Survivors of Loved One's Suicide (SOLOS) - Spokane, Washington
Survivors of Loved One's Suicide (SOLOS) is a support group for adults and teens who have a loved one who died by suicide that meets at Opportunity Presbyterian Church in Spokane Valley, WA and at Hope Haven Counseling in Spokane, WA. The group is FREE and there is no commitment to come. Suicide loss is a form of traumatic grief, and this support group aims to provide support specific to the experience of a loved one who died by suicide. The group is facilitated by Hope Haven Counseling, PLLC - Heidi Ehrlich, MA, LMHC, NCC. For more details or to ask questions call or text 1-509-951-3713 or email [email protected]
Grieving A Sudden Death: 3 Steps to Move Towards Healing
Join From Grief to Growth for their upcoming webinar, "Grieving A Sudden Death: 3 Steps to Move Towards Healing." This workshop will be taught by Dr. Jennifer R. Levin, Trauma Grief Expert, Educator and Therapist, specializing in traumatic death. Register for one of the following workshops times: October 3rd, at 4-5 pm PDT October 5th, at 6-7 pm PDT October 7th, at 10-11 am PDT Sign up today for this FREE webinar at: or email Dr. Levin at [email protected]. Visit to learn more. Good Grief Workshop: Navigating and Reframing Triggers, After Loss
Insight Yoga, 1317 West State Street, Boise, Idaho Saturday. October 15, 2022, 1:00 - 3:30 PM MST You're invited to Good Grief's Workshop: Navigating and Reframing Triggers, After Loss, on Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 1:00 - 3:30 PM MST. This workshop is being held at Insight Yoga downtown Boise. Insight Yoga is located at 1317 West State Street, Boise, Idaho (across the street from Fancy Freeze). The fee for this workshop is $35. Whether you've experienced a loss recently or if it's been some time, reminders of this loss continually show up throughout our lives. These Reminders can trigger unexpected and unpleasant emotions such as fear, resentment, guilt and remorse. The goal of the Good Grief Group facilitators is to open up a safe, comfortable space to heal and discuss practical ways to navigate and reframe triggers when they arise. Allow yourself to reclaim your peace and move forward on your journey with ease. Facilitators, Angelina Long & Amanda Tucker, will also offer a complimentary group Reiki session as they are certified Usui Holy Fire Reiki I & II Practitioners. Some emotional benefits of reiki when one is grieving can include: - Promotes feelings of calmness - Relieves stress by relaxing the mind - Soothes emotional distress - Removed fear & negativity Register online at Good Grief Peer Support Group
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM MST True North Yoga, 1512 N. 10th Street, Boise, Idaho Good Grief at True North Yoga is a peer support group that provides a safe and comfortable space for all inclusive discussions related to the journey of grief and loss. Join them for weekly topics, resources of all kinds and community support. The group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM MST at True North Yoga (1512 N. 10th Street, Boise, Idaho), near Hyde Park. All grievers are welcome to join them and there is no charge to attend! To learn more, visit World Childless Week
September 11-17, 2023 World Childless Week aims to raise awareness of the childless not by choice (cnbc) community and enable every childless person to share their story with confidence. It's for anyone who is childless despite their longing to be a parent because they have never been pregnant (for any reason), not carried full term or have suffered the sadness of a baby born sleeping. Alongside supporting the childless community World Childless Week hopes to reach out and work towards building bridges between the childless, childfree and parents; raising empathy and removing the stigma of disenfranchised grief. Find out more about World Childless Week by visiting Helping With Grief Webinar with David Kessler
Thursday, September 29th, 2022, at 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET Grief changes everything. We often develop a deeper understanding of loss's unpredictable and devastating pain. And we uncover reserves of resilience that can surprise us. So often, people ask me how to best support others when they are in grief. Join griever and grief expert, author, and teacher David Kessler for his FREE teaching event, "Helping With Grief," on Thursday, September 29th, 2022, at 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET. During this event, you'll build the confidence to know how to help with compassion. David will share the techniques to help people find hope and healing after even the most devastating loss. In this teaching, David will cover: - Helping others who have suffered even the most tragic losses - Learning the six needs of the grieving so you can help others navigate grief - Supporting others on their darkest days - Encouraging post-traumatic growth to move beyond the pain and create a legacy of love - Inspiring others to identify reserves of resilience that may surprise them Register to reserve your space. If you can't watch live, he will send a reply to all who register. Visit for more information or to register. Please share with any family, colleagues or friends who you think might find it helpful. From Mourning to Light 2 Online Summit
Starting on September 27, 2022 From Mourning to Light 2, a FREE online event, starts on September 27, 2022! Every day for 12 consecutive days, you will have access to watch video interviews with 21 speakers, authors, and experts who share their unique experiences, tools, and wisdom to help you navigate your grief journey. Each speaker brings unique insight to the event, and some even come bearing practical gifts to help you navigate your grief. My friend Sadie Beyl has put together this extraordinary online event where 20+ expert colleagues in the field of grief and loss will share their grief journeys with you. Still, more importantly, they will share how we were able to transform our darkness into light again. In this series of interviews, you will discover various tools and ways of being to help you bear it all. You will see how others have not just carried their grief but have gone on to create happy and meaningful lives, and the great news is that you can too! They will all share advice, tips, and unique tools to help support you in your grief. These tools help you find more peace and meaning and to guide you to invite joy back into your life again. The best part is that your ticket to attend is FREE. From Mourning to Light 2 is the second online event for people who are grieving by host Sadie Beyl. It comes after the phenomenal success of the first event that aired in April 2022, which provided many people with the resources they needed to navigate this alien landscape called grief. Join this event to find more peace and meaning, and be guided to invite joy back into your life again. Grab your FREE ticket at Art Your Grief Classes with Emily Dilbeck
Art Your Grief classes are for grievers. Grief comes in many different forms - this class is for anyone experiencing grief - it might be a diagnosis, a death, a relationship, job loss, a dream, a home, etc. All grievers are welcome. No art experience is needed to take an Art Your Grief class. All you need is to bring yourself and be willing to show up and try painting, drawing and collage to process your grief. Explore and express your grief using art on Zoom in a safe space with other grievers. Emily will be walking you through different prompts with basic art supplies (watercolor, colored pencils, collage - nothing fancy) to help you connect with your grief while creating. The goal is not to create beautiful art (although sometimes this happens), the focus is on your grief and having a designated safe space to connect and express your grief using color, texture, and movement. Art is a powerful tool to express and explore grief. There is something beautiful that happens when we sit with it all - even if it’s extremely difficult to do. Next class series: Three options for month long classes that meet once a week on zoom: Sunday Classes: Oct. 2, 9, 16, 30 from 3:30-4:45 pm PDT/ 5:30-6:45 pm CT on zoom $120 Tuesday Classes: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 from 6:30-7:45 pm PDT / 8:30-9:45 pm CT on zoom Wednesday Classes: Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 from 8:30-9:45 am PDT / 10:30-11:45 am CT on zoom $120 One workshop option for a one time class: If you don't want to commit to multiple classes, you can take the one-time workshop on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 5-6:15 pm PDT / 7-8:15 pm CT - $36 The first 60 min. are for creating, the last 15 are for optional sharing/listening (or you can continue creating). Please message Emily on Instagram to sign up. She only takes a handful of participants each month as keeping it small and intimate is important. Private Sessions: You can schedule private Art Your Grief sessions, an hour class is $65. Buddy Sessions: You can schedule buddy sessions of Art Your Grief for 2-4 people. An hour buddy session for 2 people is $45 per person, 3 people is $40 per person, 4 people is $35 per person. Private Class: You can schedule a private class for 5-7 people for 4 sessions of 75 minutes each for $120 a person. The first 60 min. are for creating, the last 15 are for optional sharing/listening. For more information, check out the Art Your Grief Instagram page. The highlight titled “Class Info.” has all the details. Please message Emily on Instagram is you have questions or want to register for a class. For more information visit: Gone Too Soon Retreat
September 19 - 23, 2022 The pain of loss can feel overwhelming, but there are healthy ways to cope with your grief and learn to heal. Celebrate Legacy presents the FREE 5-day online event Gone Too Soon Retreat, September 19 - 23, 2022. Joi Renique is hosting 20+ experts to honor the loved ones you miss and gain support in ways that help you feel safe and feel seen. Most presentations will last 15-20 minutes and include reminders of key takeaways and how to take action if you are ready. You and many grieving people will have free access to each video for 24 hours. You'll hear everything from how grief impacts you at different life stages, the recent diagnosis label of prolonged grief disorder, activities that help you stay connected - sort through and hold on to the special memories, and more. This retreat is focused on the death of a loved one - but not just anyone, your person. This retreat will offer training on resources that are either research-based or innovative to help you to honor the person you miss and gain support on your journey through grief. Best of all, it's all virtual, so you control your level of involvement and the environment you consume the information. Help and hope can be hard to come by when you are grieving. Know that you are the expert in your grieving process, even if you don't feel like you are. The Gone Too Soon Retreat is where you can surround yourself with people who get it with the support of professionals who can help guide you to this truth. The mission of the Gone Too Soon Retreat is for you to feel safe and seen as you celebrate the Legacy of your loved one who is gone but not forgotten. Register today at National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
Saturday, September 17, 2022 While physician suicide was a crisis long before COVID-19, the demands of the pandemic have created a sense of urgency to better support physicians’ mental health and well-being. 6 in 10 physicians have feelings of anger, tearfulness, or anxiety. About one-third feel hopeless. Nearly half of doctors say they’ve withdrawn from family, friends, and co-workers. These feelings may lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder when left untreated. All of that can lead to suicidal thoughts for physicians. Doctors have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. National Physician Suicide Awareness Day is a reminder and call to action. Every day we can make time to talk – and to act – so physicians’ struggles don’t become mental health emergencies. We can help prevent physician suicide by learning the signs, starting the conversations, understanding the underlying barriers, and sharing the resources to help those in distress seek mental health care. Physician Support Line is a national, free, and confidential support line service of 600+ volunteer psychiatrists to provide peer support for physician colleagues and American medical students. Call 1-888-409-0141 or visit The hotline is open 8:00 AM to 1:00 AM every day; no appointment is necessary. For an abundance of resources to share with colleagues or have for yourself, please visit for dedicated NPSA Day content and resources. The Art of Soul Care: 5-Night/4-Day Retreat For Widows
October 27 - 31, 2022 (Check-Out November 1, 2022) PICTOU, Nova Scotia, Canada Registration Deadline: September 30, 2022 Register early as spaces are limited to 5 participants per retreat. For more information or to register, contact Dr. Vivianne LaRiviere at 1-902-616-5595 or [email protected] 3 Proven Ways To Let Go Of Your Guilt After Suicide Loss
September 10, 2022 at 11:00 AM PDT / 2:00 EDT / 7:00 PM BST Do you wonder if your feelings of guilt will ever go away? Are you constantly ruminating about the “should haves” and “could haves”? Do you feel guilty for wanting to heal and move forward? If you wonder if your guilt will ever go away - are you constantly ruminating about the “should haves” and “could haves”- feel guilty for wanting to heal and move forward... I have good news for you. Our friend Carolin Brookings at @suicidebereavementcoaching has developed a 3-part framework to let go of your guilt after suicide loss and explains it in detail in a FREE 60-minute live masterclass called 3 Proven Ways To Let Go Of Your Guilt After Suicide Loss on September 10th (World Suicide Prevention Day) at 11:00 AM PDT / 2:00 EDT / 7:00 PM BST Inside, you’ll find out how to release your feelings of guilt so you, too, can find inner peace and joy – no matter how long you have been bereaved by suicide. This free live masterclass could change your life! Attend with an open mind, a notepad, and a desire to TAKE ACTION because… time alone doesn’t heal all wounds. Everyone who shows up live will receive a FREE surprise GIFT. To sign up, visit: Cloverdale Funeral Home, Cemetery and Cremation Fall Grief Support Group
Fridays, September 30 - November 18, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST Cloverdale Funeral Home, Cemetery and Cremation in Boise, Idaho, is hosting their Fall Grief Support Group series on Fridays, September 30 - November 18, 2022, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST. Call 208-375-2212 or email [email protected] for more information or to register. We are proud to announce the beginning of our fall grief support. All are welcome. Please email or call for more information or to register. Break the Silence 5K Walk/Run
Saturday, September 10, 2022, Walk Begins at 10:00 AM 1805 Tilford Lane, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, SPAN of North Idaho is holding its annual in-person Break the Silence 5K walk, run, skip, (or however you roll) this Saturday, September 10, 2022! This walk is in remembrance of those lost to the completion of suicide and an effort to raise suicide awareness and prevention. On-site registration and check-in will open at 8:30 AM on the morning of the walk at the pavilion, and the walk will begin at 10:00 AM. The annual "Break the Silence" Walk begins at the beautiful Riverstone Park (1805 Tilford Lane), nestled in the Village at Riverstone in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Walkers will start at Riverstone Park/Centennial Trail junction and travel along the beautiful Centennial Trail connecting to the Prairie Trail. The "Break the Silence Loop" sign at the halfway point of the walk will signify it is time to return to Riverstone Park, where light snacks & entertainment will be waiting. A water station will also be available at the halfway point. Enjoy the music provided by local DJ Alejandro, and visit the park's many community resource provider tables. (Lots of free swag!!) Suicide survivor resource information and crisis intervention information will be available. All proceeds and donations from this event go to further suicide prevention efforts and provide community resources, education, training, and suicide loss support within the community. Register to walk at: 7th Annual Semicolon Tattoo Event
You are invited to join the Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline at Resurrected Tattoo (610 N Orchard St, Boise, ID 83706) for their 7th Annual Semicolon Tattoo Event, on Saturday, September 10th , from 12:00 PM MDT – 9:00 PM MDT. The Semicolon symbolizes "The Decision to Continue our Story." Get a "';" tattoo for only $50 to support a great cause, raise awareness, and meet some great people in the process! Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline is the only statewide 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline in Idaho. ICSH is a resource for anyone in Idaho experiencing a suicidal or other type of crisis. They accept calls, texts, or chat communications without regard to age, disability, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin. Please share with your friends and family, and invite everyone to participate. If you or a loved one need to talk, call ICSH now. You don't have to be suicidal to call. Someone is always here for you on the other end of the line. Call or text 988, or visit to chat online. The Death Café Boise
Friday, September 16, 2022, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM True North Yoga, 1512 N 10th St, Boise, ID 83702 The Death Café Boise has been providing an opportunity for an open conversation about death since 2014 with facilitators guiding the process. Join the conversation and please bring your curiosity, your interest, and your experiences. All are welcome and invited to participate! These events are free to attend and no registration is required. The next Death Café Boise event will be on Friday, September 16, 2022, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at True North Yoga, 1512 N 10th St, Boise, ID 83702. Cookies and tea will be served! Please park on the streets where allowed or for free and ease at Longfellow Elementary School between 9th & 10th on Sherman. Bring a camp chair if you wish or you can borrow a cushion or blanket to sit on the floor of the yoga studio. For more in the international Death Café movement visit For specific questions, contact the facilitator of this event by emailing them at: [email protected] Men's Only Grief Support Group
Healing to The Max is offering a special Healing Together Group beginning October. An evening of connection, support and sharing helpful healing strategies, designed for men, and facilitator-lead by men! Upcoming dates are, Tuesdays, October 4th, October 18th, & November 8th, 2022 at 7:00 PM Sask Time / 8:00 PM CST. There is no cost to participate and it's open to all types of survivors AGES 18+. This Group will meet on Zoom. Topics will be discussed around the unique experiences that male survivors of a traumatic loss by suicide face. Contact Jill Cowan at 1-306-955-7306 for more information and to secure your space in this compassionate community! 9/4/2022 Coaching Suicide Awareness 2nd Annual FREE eSummit: Coaching Those Affected by Suicide - 10 Sept 2022Read NowCoaching Suicide Awareness 2nd Annual FREE eSummit: Coaching Those Affected by Suicide
The nonprofit organization Coaching Suicide Awareness (CSA) is on a mission to provide networking and resources to people affected by suicide. Their work involves prevention, intervention, and postvention, and what to do in the aftermath of death to suicide. In support of World Suicide Prevention Day, CSA will hold their 2nd annual FREE eSummit, "Coaching Those Affected by Suicide," on September 10, 2022, starting at 9:00 AM EST. The summit is focused mainly on postvention and the grief that accompanies a death by suicide, but there are sessions on prevention and intervention as well. This year's emphasis will be on helping people affected by suicide. The event is FREE to all and offers coaches 7 CCEUs for ICF and CCNI continued education. Participants will have the opportunity to learn: - Skills needed to help survivors after a tragedy or suicide. - How to approach complexities of mental health and resilience factors for those in marginalized groups. - How to foster and practice empathy and compassion for employees in the workplace. Register the link in stories or at: FREE LIVE COACHING SERIES with Dr. Betsy Guerra
WHAT: LIVE virtual coaching with topics inspired by you. WHO: Anyone looking to become a better version of themself. WHY: Because we were created for greatness. WHEN: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST - Next Session is on September 6, 2022 HOW MUCH: FREE Join Dr. Betsy Guerra, from Better with Betsy, for a FREE live session and come ready to ask any questions you may have. She would love to see your faces, but if you'd rather stay anonymous, you're welcome to keep your camera off and change your screen name. Please share anyone you know who may benefit from this session. Dr. Guerra is excited to support you! SIGN UP to receive the link for the video call, register at |
Sara J. CobbFounder, My Grief Connection Archives
January 2025
Note: The website contains some affiliate links, which means that if you purchase something through one of these links we may receive a small commission
– at no extra cost to you. I only promote things I have have either personally tried or strongly believe are beneficial. Any commissions earned helps keep this website going. Thank you for using our affiliate links to help My Grief Connection to continue helping grievers find help & hope. Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the linked sites, videos, movies, podcasts, groups, events, books, articles, etc. This site provides links and general grief support information and is not intended to serve as or replace professional counseling, guidance or treatment. If you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, please contact 911 or the suicide hotline at 988. For any type of crisis situation you can text CONNECT to 741741 to chat with a Crisis Text Line counselor. My Grief Connection - Created 04 July 2019 - Privacy Policy This Page Was Updated On 26 January 2025 © 2019-2025 My Grief Connection