Drumming Out Your Grief with Josh Robinson Drums
September 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM EST Join GrieveWell for a unique online workshop, "Drumming Out Your Grief," where attendees will explore creative expression and emotional release with Josh Robinson Drums. Drumming can be used as a tool to teach many life and coping skills. You can use anything to drum on (bins, buckets, bowls, mousepad) and drum with (pencils, wooden spoons, or chopsticks). No experience or special equipment is needed! Pre-registration is required to receive the program link. Sign up at www.grievewell.com/calendar Join in on September 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM EST, to explore this method of creative healing in a safe space.
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8/24/2021 3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Walkathon Supports the Idaho Suicide Prevention HotlineRead Now3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Walkathon Supports the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline Nampa, Idaho – The 3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Suicide Prevention Walkathon will kick off promptly at 8:00 PM on September 11, 2021, with general festivities and team set-up at 7:00 PM at Columbia High School in Nampa, Idaho. (301 S. Happy Valley Road). All ages are welcome to come for a few hours or to stay all night long! Idaho is consistently ranked in the top 10 states for suicide deaths every year. If ever there was a time to focus on suicide prevention, it is now! Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health needs are escalating drastically. During the second quarter of 2021, which ended in June, the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline received 49% more calls than it did in the second quarter of 2020. This number is a significant increase in those recognizing that they are struggling and need support. Thankfully, in Idaho, we are committed as a community to stand by those who are struggling. In September, during National Suicide Prevention Month, Strength 2 Thrive provides space for the community to come together in solidarity and support with those suffering from suicidal thoughts or the grief from the loss of a loved one to suicide. The event has raised nearly $70,000 for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline in the previous two years. The walkathon is an uplifting community gathering intended to raise awareness around suicide, offer support for those suffering from suicidal thoughts or attempts, and comfort to those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. There will be live local music and speakers throughout the night, a memorial garden of remembrance, and food trucks serving refreshments. During this family-friendly, outdoor event, folks of all ages will walk around the track during the hours that suicide rates are at their highest, showing their emotional support for those who are suffering. Donations are tax-deductible and will benefit the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline, helping to save lives! Register to walk and raise funds, or donate to support others who are walking, at www.strength2thrive.org. For questions or more information, email Jennifer Haagenson at [email protected]. Help spread the light to those who are hurting, struggling, and lonely.
So many suffer alone in silence with their dark thoughts. Let's show them that we care and there is hope that they can get to a better, brighter place in life. Come participate in the 3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Suicide Prevention Walkathon & Community Event on September 11, 2021, at Columbia High School in Nampa, Idaho. The community will gather to raise awareness about suicide prevention and postvention, and we will support those who are suffering from suicidal thoughts and/or attempts, mental health issues, and grief from the loss of a loved one to suicide. Pull together your friends, family, co-worker to join you, as we all walk throughout the night in support and solidarity with those who need us. Teams are challenged to raise $5,000 in donations for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. Individuals are welcome to participate as well. All the funds raised will be put to good use and will help save lives. There will be live local music, speakers, a garden of remembrance & food trucks. This is a family-friendly event and all ages are welcome! Let's illuminate the darkness and spread light, love & hope far and wide! Learn more and sign up today at http://strength2thrive.org/ To donate to the My Grief Connection team, Alive 2 Thrive, visit: https://strength2thrive.org/donations/sara-cobb/ Follow @strength2thrive_walk on Instagram and Like the Strength 2 Thrive Facebook Page for updates. 8/16/2021 2021 Healing After Suicide Loss Interview Series, hosted by Carolin Brookings, with Sara J. CobbRead NowIf you missed my interview with Carolin Brookings on the Healing After Suicide Loss series, you can now watch it on my YouTube Channel! While you are there, be sure to subscribe to be alerted when new videos are added! I'd love to know what your main takeaways from the interview are. Drop them in the comments below! 2021 Healing After Suicide Loss Interview Series, hosted by Carolin Brookings, with Sara J. Cobb
Sara J. Cobb – founder of My Grief Connection and murder-suicide loss survivor. Sara’s passion and advocacy for grief and mental health education grew from a combination of her interests, strengths, and life experiences. She was called to connect fellow grievers with resources for healing after her own trauma of loss, following the tragic deaths of her two older brothers, 43 years apart – one by a freak accident and one in a murder-suicide. She finds meaning by sharing her story of mending from the wounds of sibling and suicide bereavement and guiding others toward tools and resources that offer hope and healing after loss. Here’s what you can expect from Sara’s interview…Supporting Survivors After Murder-Suicide Loss. - Sara shares what it was like to lose her brother in a murder-suicide - Find out about the ways in which murder-suicide loss survivors can get support - Sara talks about the support group for murder-suicide loss survivors that she is co-leading To learn more about Sara and My Grief Connection, visit www.mygriefconnection.org. 8/16/2021 You Don't Know How I Feel: Navigating Conversations Around Personal Loss FREE Webinar Presented By TAPSRead NowYou Don't Know How I Feel: Navigating Conversations Around Personal Loss FREE Webinar Presented By TAPS
August 31, 2021, from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) understands and is here to walk beside you along your grief journey. If you need a compassionate, resourceful listener, TAPS will be there for you. Call their 24/7 National Military Survivor Helpline at 800-959-TAPS (8277). Day or night, a member of their team will answer and be ready to connect with you. Join TAPS.org for their FREE webinar, "You Don't Know How I Feel: Navigating Conversations Around Personal Loss," on August 31, 2021 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST. People sometimes say surprising things to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, often because they frankly just don’t know what to say. In reality, people stumble on words and gestures as they try to create a connection with a griever, possibly comparing a personal loss experience. While their intentions might mean well, how can they know how you feel? Your feelings of grief are yours and yours alone. Join instructor Rachel Kodanaz in a conversation of how to navigate conversations with people whose remarks may feel insensitive. Learn how to develop meaningful ways to respond without feeling angry, guilty, or hurt, and guide the conversation to protect yourself and your feelings. This webinar is open to anyone interested in learning how to navigate conversations about their loss. Contact the TAPS Institute via email at Institute@taps.org or call 1-800-959-8277 with questions. Register at the link in bio at @tapsorg or at: https://www.taps.org/webinar/2021/navigating-conversations-personal-loss Asking For Help When You Are Grieving FREE Webinar Presented By TAPS
August 17, 2021, at 12:00 PM EST Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) understands and is here to walk beside you along your grief journey. If you need a compassionate, resourceful listener, TAPS will be there for you. Call their 24/7 National Military Survivor Helpline at 800-959-TAPS (8277). Day or night, a member of their team will answer and be ready to connect with you. Join TAPS.org for their FREE webinar, "Asking For Help When You Are Grieving," on August 17, 2021, at 12:00 PM EST. There are many reasons it can be difficult to ask for help when we need it, and grief can make it more challenging. There could be fear that we are bothering someone with our problems. Maybe grief has taken too much energy and we can't figure out what we need or how to reach out. If a prior request for help or support was met with unhelpful or hurtful responses, we may hesitate to ask again. Join Dr. Ken Doka for this webinar as he explores these realities and offers useful exercises and ideas to both ask for and offer support when someone is grieving. Contact the TAPS Institute via email at Institute@taps.org or call 1-800-959-8277 with questions. Register at the link in bio at @tapsorg or at https://www.taps.org/webinar/2021/asking-for-help 8/4/2021 3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Suicide Prevention Walkathon & Community Event - 21 Sep 2021Read Now3rd Annual Strength 2 Thrive Suicide Prevention Walkathon & Community Event
September 11, 2021 at 8:00 PM MDT to September 12, 2021 at 8:00 AM MDT We'll be walking the track at Columbia High School, 301 S. Happy Valley Road, Nampa, Idaho 83687. Strength 2 Thrive is a walkathon, concert, and gathering to raise awareness about suicide and build a community of support. Money raised from the event will be donated to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. The walkathon will kick off promptly at 8:00 PM but general event festivities will begin at 7:00 PM. It's an overnight walk-a-thon that will take place during the hours suicide rates are at their highest. Live local music, speakers, a remembrance garden & food trucks. All ages welcome! Follow @strength2thrive_walk on Instagram and Like the Strength 2 Thrive Facebook Page for updates. For more information or to register, visit: https://strength2thrive.org/ Donate to the My Grief Connection team at: https://strength2thrive.org/donations/sara-cobb/ Grief Refuge Podcast - How to Find Your Community of Grief Support
It’s hard to find support for your grief. It’s even harder to find a community that can provide the support you need. On this episode, host Reid Peterson interviews Sara Cobb from My Grief Connection - who is putting her heart and soul into making it easier to find your community of grief support. Listen to full episode on Apple Podcasts at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-find-your-community-of-grief-support/id1503081996?i=1000530654253 Be sure to download the Grief Refuge app (iOS or Android) for grief support every day. Learn more about Reid and all of his grief support offerings at: https://griefrefuge.com/ |
Sara J. CobbFounder, My Grief Connection Archives
January 2025
Note: The website contains some affiliate links, which means that if you purchase something through one of these links we may receive a small commission
– at no extra cost to you. I only promote things I have have either personally tried or strongly believe are beneficial. Any commissions earned helps keep this website going. Thank you for using our affiliate links to help My Grief Connection to continue helping grievers find help & hope. Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the linked sites, videos, movies, podcasts, groups, events, books, articles, etc. This site provides links and general grief support information and is not intended to serve as or replace professional counseling, guidance or treatment. If you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, please contact 911 or the suicide hotline at 988. For any type of crisis situation you can text CONNECT to 741741 to chat with a Crisis Text Line counselor. My Grief Connection - Created 04 July 2019 - Privacy Policy This Page Was Updated On 26 January 2025 © 2019-2025 My Grief Connection