Suicide Prevention Week
September 10-16, 2023 September is Suicide Prevention Month in the USA, with National Suicide Prevention Week from September 10-16, 2023, and World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10. During this month, week and day, individuals and organizations will be drawing attention to the problem of suicide and advocating the prevention of this tragedy. It’s a time to share resources and stories and promote suicide prevention awareness. All around the nation, suicide prevention organizations will conduct prevention and awareness events. In 2021, suicide was among the top 9 leading causes of death for people ages 10-64. Suicide was the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-14 and 20-34. Suicide is a national health crisis. Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, or background. Suicide is sometimes the result of a mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common, should not be considered normal and often indicate more serious issues. Consider making a tax-deductible donation to support the Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline. Even $5 or $10 would make a difference and could help save lives! To donate, visit If you or a loved one need to talk, call ICSH now. You don't have to be suicidal to call. Someone is always here for you on the other end of the line. Call or text 988 or visit to chat online.
Break the Silence 5K Walk/Run
Saturday, September 10, 2022, Walk Begins at 10:00 AM 1805 Tilford Lane, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, SPAN of North Idaho is holding its annual in-person Break the Silence 5K walk, run, skip, (or however you roll) this Saturday, September 10, 2022! This walk is in remembrance of those lost to the completion of suicide and an effort to raise suicide awareness and prevention. On-site registration and check-in will open at 8:30 AM on the morning of the walk at the pavilion, and the walk will begin at 10:00 AM. The annual "Break the Silence" Walk begins at the beautiful Riverstone Park (1805 Tilford Lane), nestled in the Village at Riverstone in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Walkers will start at Riverstone Park/Centennial Trail junction and travel along the beautiful Centennial Trail connecting to the Prairie Trail. The "Break the Silence Loop" sign at the halfway point of the walk will signify it is time to return to Riverstone Park, where light snacks & entertainment will be waiting. A water station will also be available at the halfway point. Enjoy the music provided by local DJ Alejandro, and visit the park's many community resource provider tables. (Lots of free swag!!) Suicide survivor resource information and crisis intervention information will be available. All proceeds and donations from this event go to further suicide prevention efforts and provide community resources, education, training, and suicide loss support within the community. Register to walk at: 9/4/2022 Coaching Suicide Awareness 2nd Annual FREE eSummit: Coaching Those Affected by Suicide - 10 Sept 2022Read NowCoaching Suicide Awareness 2nd Annual FREE eSummit: Coaching Those Affected by Suicide
The nonprofit organization Coaching Suicide Awareness (CSA) is on a mission to provide networking and resources to people affected by suicide. Their work involves prevention, intervention, and postvention, and what to do in the aftermath of death to suicide. In support of World Suicide Prevention Day, CSA will hold their 2nd annual FREE eSummit, "Coaching Those Affected by Suicide," on September 10, 2022, starting at 9:00 AM EST. The summit is focused mainly on postvention and the grief that accompanies a death by suicide, but there are sessions on prevention and intervention as well. This year's emphasis will be on helping people affected by suicide. The event is FREE to all and offers coaches 7 CCEUs for ICF and CCNI continued education. Participants will have the opportunity to learn: - Skills needed to help survivors after a tragedy or suicide. - How to approach complexities of mental health and resilience factors for those in marginalized groups. - How to foster and practice empathy and compassion for employees in the workplace. Register the link in stories or at: Bend Not Break: Suicide Prevention Concert
Rescheduled to May 13, 2022 at Maverik Center in a West Valley City, Utah Concert starts at 7:00 PM. Doors Open at 6:00 PM. America's Got Talent Alumni Alex Boyé, known for his dynamic African-infused music that has gained over 1 billion views on YouTube is using his voice to shine a light on mental health and suicide prevention. Join Alex and friends on May 7th. at Maverik Center for Utah’s first ever Utah Suicide Prevention Concert. Utah has the 6th highest suicide rate in the U.S. On average, someone dies by suicide every 13 hours in the state of Utah. We can’t be silent anymore when it comes to mental health simply because it might be uncomfortable. The cost of silence is TOO HIGH. The concept is simple; to normalize and encourage ongoing conversations about mental health within schools, the workplace, churches and throughout the community. These concerts to help build connection with mental health experts, provide support and healing in our community. This will be an unforgettable night that will feed your soul in ways you didn’t think you needed. This is not just a concert. It will be an experience. THIS CONCERT IS FREE AND IS BEING DONATED VIA CORPORATE SPONSORS. If you are your company would like to be a co-sponsor, contact 801-427-7439 for more information. If you are a mental health organization or a therapist group/Individual and would like to set up a booth at the event; contact Jackie at The Maverik Center at 801-988-8843. For more info on Alex’s foundation and his purpose, go to: Tickets will be Free Admission and will be available to the public starting Wednesday February 9th at 10AM. Limited seating available on a first come first serve basis. Grab your FREE tickets at: 6th annual Conference on Suicide: Equity and Equality in Suicide Prevention –
Expanding the Conversation and Offering Solutions January 27 - 29, 2002 This three day conference will explore solutions to the challenges that contribute to inequities and inequalities in our systems and in ourselves. The 2022 conference will dig deep to look for solutions to increases in suicide and suicidal attempts in diverse communities with a focus on what prevention models, evidence-based training programs and treatment modalities are working to make a difference and save lives. The first day of the conference is the annual School Summit, presented by The Children’s Foundation, with sessions and speakers focused on education and youth. The second day of the conference, presented by the Dolores and Paul Lavins Foundation, features expanded conversations and solutions to the increased suicide risk in marginalized communities. The final day of the conference is dedicated to survivors and the elimination of stigma and is presented by the Joseph J. Laurencelle Memorial Foundation. Saturday’s survivor program will be FREE and available as part of all conference registrations as well as being live streamed on Facebook in conjunction with Detroit Public Television: Kevin Fischer of NAMI MI, Jordan Burnham, Barb Smith and a survivor panel moderated by Amelia Lehto. On Thursday and Friday, there will be 10 breakout sessions covering a variety of subjects of interest to educators, mental health professionals and suicide prevention advocates. Registration for the conference will be $150 to attend the three-day conference and $100 for the 3rd Annual School Summit only. The Saturday Program is FREE of charge, but you must register in advance. Student rates are available. Register for the conference at: My Ascension Documentary FREE Virtual Screening
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM MST This FREE virtual screening of the feature length documentary "My Ascension," chronicles Emma Benoit's inspiring journey and quest to walk again after a suicide attempt paralyzed her. Emma became propelled by a mission to use her painful experience to help others find hope, and shine more light on the fact that 20 young people die every day by suicide in the United States. The film also highlights the stories of two remarkable young people who tragically did not survive their attempts, and we learn first-hand from their families, friends, school officials and suicide prevention experts about the devastating effects of suicide and what can be done to prevent it. Magellan Healthcare, The Speedy Foundation, Idaho Federation of Families, Recovery in Motion and Hope Squad present thisspecial screening of the film "My Ascension," available to stream for FREE on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM MST. The screening will be followed by an important dialogue related to youth suicide prevention. Speakers include: Emma Benoit, Shannon Decker, founder of The Speedy Foundation, Dr. Greg Hudnall, founder of Hope Squad and filmmaker Greg Dicharry. Register now for this FREE event at: If you or someone you know needs help - call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 or text the Crisis Text Line - Text - HELLO to 741741 |
Sara J. CobbFounder, My Grief Connection Archives
September 2024
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– at no extra cost to you. I only promote things I have have either personally tried or strongly believe are beneficial. Any commissions earned helps keep this website going. Thank you for using our affiliate links to help My Grief Connection to continue helping grievers find help & hope. Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the linked sites, videos, movies, podcasts, groups, events, books, articles, etc. This site provides links and general grief support information and is not intended to serve as or replace professional counseling, guidance or treatment. If you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, please contact 911 or the suicide hotline at 988. For any type of crisis situation you can text CONNECT to 741741 to chat with a Crisis Text Line counselor. My Grief Connection - Created 04 July 2019 - Privacy Policy This Page Was Updated On 05 September 2024 © 2019-2024 My Grief Connection