6/30/2020 FREE Webinar - The Power of Presence: 3 Ways to Support a Friend or Loved One with Traumatic GriefRead NowFREE Webinar The Power of Presence: 3 Ways to Support a Friend or Loved One with Traumatic Grief Presented by Jennifer R. Levin, PhD, of From Grief to Growth Monday, July 6, 2020 at 10:00 am (PST) Watching a friend or loved one grieve the death of someone they love is heartbreaking. Often we feel helpless by our inability to ease their pain and unsure of what to say or do. This webinar will address why individuals grieving a traumatic loss have different needs and how to support those you love during this difficult time. The webinar will examine why it may be difficult to express appropriate sentiments to someone who is grieving, and why our responses are often inadequate. The webinar will also focus on…
Please share the registration link with anyone you know that may also benefit it. Register for FREE at: https://fromgrieftogrowth.mykajabi.com/the-power-of-presence-webinar
SPEAKING GRIEF is a documentary and public media initiative aimed at creating a more grief-aware society by validating the experience of grievers and helping to guide those who wish to support them. Learn more about the project at www.speakinggrief.org Follow the project on Facebook and Instagram at @wpsugrief On July 15, at 8 pm EST, there will be a special screening of the documentary "Speaking Grief" on WPSU Grief's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/2442027929166979/ This screening will be followed by a virtual Q&A with Lindsey Whissel Fenton, the Director and Producer of the film, and several other grief support professionals. Be sure to share with people you care about that you think could benefit from being a part of the #SpeakingGrief conversation! International Widows Day is Tuesday, June 23, 2020
International Widows Day is an annual day to bring global awareness to the violation of human rights and dignity that widows suffer in many countries after the death of their spouses. The loss of a spouse is devastating under the best of circumstances but the COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation worse over the last several months, leaving many thousands of women newly widowed and cut off from financial and familial support. There are an estimated 258 million widows around the world, and close to 1 in 10 live in extreme poverty. The United Nations observes this day to draw attention to the voices & experiences of widows across the globe and to galvanize the unique support that they need. It is an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows. Widows' rights are women's rights are human rights. "For many women, becoming a widow does not just mean the heartache of losing a husband, but often losing everything else as well." – Cherie Blair, wife of former Prime Minister, Tony Blair. David's Hope Pregnancy Loss Ministry Support Group David's Hope Pregnancy Loss Ministry's local Boise, Idaho area support group for those who have experienced infant loss, stillbirth or miscarriage, will be restarting on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 6:30 pm. It is a 7 week program. Please call or text 208-899-3676 RSVP and for more information on the location. www.davidshopeministry.org Office Phone: (208) 899-3676 Email: [email protected] MY GRIEF CONNECTION NOW HAS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL! 📺
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! When we get 100 Subscribers we can customize the channel name. Won't you please consider helping us to reach this goal? Visit: HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/YOUTUBEMGC The Healing From Grief and Loss FREE Online Series
Hosted by Andrea Milner, June 22, - July 5, 2020 Top experts guide you on your journey to find strength, comfort and joy again. Register for FREE at: https://healing-from-grief-and-loss.heysummit.com/ Art For Your Grief Journey: Going Beyond Words To Heal
Monday, June 29, 2020 from 12:10 - 1:00 pm (MST) Hosted by Project Grief, part of the FREE online virtual summit Reimagine: Life, Loss, and Love. This is a digital event. Beginners welcome! Learn how creativity can help you externalize the pain inside, and then try a simple doodling activity for yourself. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/artforyourgrief Sibling Loss: The Missing Pieces - Online Event
Saturday, July 11, 2020 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (MST) This event is for the bereaved siblings who are looking for support, tips, and truths about sibling grief. From Grief To Grind and A Sibling To Love have joined forces to bring to you this one-day event to provide support, truth, and honestly about their journey as sibling survivors. Sibling loss is the most ignored and under-acknowledged griefs there is. La'Keshia Allen and Andrea A. Moore are here to change that, bring sibling grief to the forefront, and to show our sibling survivors that they are not alone. Register and purchase your ticket at www.fromgrieftogrind.co 6/15/2020 3 Tips for Talking to Children, Adolescents, and Teens about Traumatic Grief - Webinar ReplayRead Now3 Tips for Talking to Children, Adolescents, and Teens about Traumatic Grief When it comes to talking with adolescents and teens about the loss of a loved one, many adults are unsure what and how much to say. This webinar explores how to communicate with adolescents and teens about death and loss in an age appropriate manner. It also covers normal grief responses among adolescent and teens and identify red flags that may indicate maladaptive grief. Watch the FREE replay at: https://tinyurl.com/3tipstraumaticgrief Sunrise Retreats Summer Pop Up Retreats and Virtual Classes Sunrise Retreats has had to postponed their 2020 retreats due to safety reasons, but know that it these intimate weekends are a source of hope and nourishment for so many. So, they came up with some ideas of who the Sunrise Retreats can still connect safely with their community. They have planned a series of Pop Up Retreats this summer for widows and widowers Please RSVP! More info can be found here https://sunriseretreat.org/summer-pop-up-retreats Morning Stroll and Lunch to Honor International Widows Day Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 10 AM – 12 PM at Kathryn Albertson Park https://www.facebook.com/events/903817836710598/ Healing Wellness In Life After Loss Class Starting Tuesday, July 7th ( 10-11:30 am or 6-7:30 pm) 6 week live online webinar delivered in the Zoom format Classes will be recorded if you are not able to attend class $29 registration fee (HSA and Flex Accounts may be billed) *This is not a grief support group. This is an educational wellness class taught by Marni Henderson B.S., credentialed Health Educator, and HeartMath Practitioner. Register at: https://www.coalescediscovery.com/classes/discover-life-again/ Walk the Labryrinth at Julies Kleiner Park and Lunch Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 10 AM – 12 PM https://www.facebook.com/events/285369222842379/ Paddle the Pond Summer Pop Up Retreat for the Widowed Tuesday, August 25, 2020 time TBD https://www.facebook.com/events/684575868772643/ Paint in the Park Summer Pop Up Retreat for the Widowed Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM at Kristin Armstrong Park https://www.facebook.com/events/598857420750258/ Healing After Sudden Loss of Spouse On Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm (PST) / 6:30 pm (MST) you are invited to a candid interview with EricsHouse Director of Administration, Marisela Marquez, on "Healing After Sudden Loss of Spouse." She will share her journey about suddenly losing her spouse, just four months after losing her father,her path to healing, and how she is moving forward with her grief as a widow and as a mother. This event in FREE. Once you register, you will receive a zoom link invitation for the session. Sign up at https://www.ericshouse.org/events/ The New Funerals: A Virtual Town Hall Discussion
You are invited to a FREE digital event, Tuesday, June 23rd at 1pm EST! "The New Funerals: A Virtual Town Hall Discussion," hosted by Farewelling, as part of Reimagine Life, Loss & Love Worldwide Virtual Festival. Farewelling co-founders Elizabeth Karansky (funeral director, thanatologist & death doula) and Karen Bussen (internationally recognized events expert)will host this open conversation about how funerals are being transformed, by restrictions related to current events, but also by evolving attitudes around tradition, religion, and other factors. They will open up space to your experiences and opinions and will share resources and inspiration. Register at https://tinyurl.com/thenewfunerals Grief Out Loud Podcast - Episode 152: Teenage Grief Sucks When Natalie's dad died suddenly at the start of her freshman year of high school, she searched, but couldn't find what she most needed: a resource written for and by other grieving teens. She decided to create one launching the website Teenage Grief Sucks in March 2020 which serves as a platform for articles ranging from what it's like to go to driving school when you're grieving to tips for how teens can support their grieving friends. In episode #152 of The Dougy Center's podcast, "Grief Out Loud," host Jana DeCristofaro talks with Natalie about the teenage grief experience. Listen to episode #152 at https://www.dougy.org/grief-resources/grief-out-loud-podcast/ Check out Natalie's website at https://www.teenagegriefsucks.com/ Lean On Me: Where Do We Find Our Support?
FREE webinar in the Grief Talks series from Highmark Caring Place, "Lean On Me: Where Do We Find Our Support?" Wednesday, July 1st from 2-3 pm (EST) via Zoom. This webinar will discuss ways of identifying supports in our own lives and methods of staying connected with the people and things that we find most important - even when being together is not an option. Please register no later thank Tuesday, June 30th. at https://bit.ly/grieftalklean You'll recieve a Zoom link the evening before the webinar. |
Sara J. CobbFounder, My Grief Connection Archives
January 2025
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– at no extra cost to you. I only promote things I have have either personally tried or strongly believe are beneficial. Any commissions earned helps keep this website going. Thank you for using our affiliate links to help My Grief Connection to continue helping grievers find help & hope. Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the linked sites, videos, movies, podcasts, groups, events, books, articles, etc. This site provides links and general grief support information and is not intended to serve as or replace professional counseling, guidance or treatment. If you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, please contact 911 or the suicide hotline at 988. For any type of crisis situation you can text CONNECT to 741741 to chat with a Crisis Text Line counselor. My Grief Connection - Created 04 July 2019 - Privacy Policy This Page Was Updated On 26 January 2025 © 2019-2025 My Grief Connection